9. A garage offers a breakdown recovery service for motorists that is available every day of the
year. According to their records the number of call-outs they received per day last year were:
Number of call-outs: 0 1 2 3 4
Number of days: 68 103 145 37 12
Required: What is the probability that
A. They receive two call-outs in a day?
B. They receive two or fewer call-outs in a day?
C. They receive one or more call-outs in a day?
D. They receive less than four call-outs in a day?
E. They receive more than two call-outs in a day?
There are 365 days in the year.
A. "P(=2)=145\/365=0.397"
B. "P(\\le2)=P(=0)+P(=1)+P(=2)=68\/365+103\/365+145\/365=0.866"
C. "P(\\ge1)=1-P(=0)=1-68\/365=0.814"
D. "P(<4)=1-P(=4)=1-12\/365=0.967"
E. "P(>2)=P(=3)+P(=4)=37\/365+12\/365=0.134"
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