Present complete solutions for each item. Illustrate the normal curve if possible.
1. A population consists of six values (6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 21).
a. Select a random sample of size 3. Explain the random sampling that you used.
b. How many possible samples can be drawn?
c. List all possible samples and compute the mean of each sample.
d. Construct a frequency distribution of the sample means obtained in step 2 including
x̅; f; P(x̅); ̅x ⋅ P(x̅); ̅x2⋅ P(x̅); ΣP(x̅); Σx̅⋅ P(x̅) and Σx̅2⋅ P(x̅).
e. Determine the mean, variance and standard deviation of the sample mean.
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