I trying to answer the following research question: Does private tutoring contribute to social inequality?
I want to know if students’ socioeconomic status (SES) affects their chances to obtain private tutoring and whether private tutoring actually increases student's knowledge giving them better chances to enter university.
I conducted research and have following variables:
1. Participation in private tutoring - PIPT: YES and NO.
2. Parent's education level (measure of SES) - PEL: School, College, University
3. Family income (measure of SES) - FI: Below Average, Average, Above Average
3. Students' test score on achievement test - SCORE: Continuous variable
I tried to use regression model:
Test Score = A + PIPT*X1 + PEL*X2 + FI*X3 + e
However, I feel that using regression analyses is not the best way to answer my research question, because it does not provide an answer for my question of whether SES affects students participation in private tutoring.
Which statistical method would be best in my case?
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