The following contingency table represents the voters’ opinion concerning a new tax
reform bill and their level of income.
Levels of Income
Opinion Low Medium High
For 213 203 182
Against 138 110 154
Apply chi-square (χ2
) test to examine whether the opinion of people on new tax bill is
independent from their income level. [Table value of chi- square (χ2
) at 5% level of
significance and for 2 degrees of freedom is 5.99]
"H_0:" the opinion of people on new tax bill is independent from their income level
"H_a:" the opinion of people on new tax bill is dependent from their income level
"\\Chi^2=\\sum \\frac{(O_i-E_i)^2}{E_i}=7.878"
Oi is observation value,
Ei is expected value
Ei = row total * column total/ total
"df=(Rows-1)*(Columns-1) = (2-1)*(3-1) = 2"
critical value:
Since "\\Chi^2>\\Chi^2_{crit}" we reject the null hypothesis. The opinion of people on new tax bill is dependent from their income level
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