I have a variable (VAR1 )with two possibilities, let's call them V and N.
I asked my experiment participants to detect the VAR1 value.
My aim is to compare the correctness rate of answers by participants (e.g. when the value of VAR1 is V, the participants can answer V or N, but V is correct, so if 70 percent choose V, correctness rate is 70%).
To explain more:
These are all the possibilities:
VAR1 value: V Correctness of Detection by participants: C1
VAR1 value: N Correctness of Detection by participants: C2
Question: Which statistical test should I use to see in which case Correctness rate is significantly more?
What will happen if I add another independent variable VAR2 and compare the whole result?
like this:
VAR1 value: V VAR2 value:V Correctness Rate: C1
VAR1 value: V VAR2 value:N Correctness Rate: C2
VAR1 value: N VAR2 value:V Correctness Rate: C3
VAR1 value: N VAR2 value:N Correctness Rate: C4
In which category Correctness Rate is significantly more
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