Find out whether or not there is a dependency relation between sales and store location for the following 50 stores (5% significance level). Sales/Location:High: Near Movie House is 5,Near House is 7, Near School is 6. Sales/Location:Average: Near Movie House is 7,Near House is 2, Near School is 6. Sales/Location:Low: Near Movie House is 1,Near House is 9, Near School is 7.
Chi-Square test
"H_0:" sales and store location are independent
"H_a:" sales and store location are dependent
using online calculator, we get:
where Oi is observed value,
Ei is expected of cell:
"E_i=\\frac{(row\\ total)(column\\ total)}{total\\ number}"
The chi-square statistic is 8.8341. The p-value is .065383.
Since p-value > 0.05, we accept the null hypothesis.
Sales and store location are independent.
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