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09.06.21, 06:33
observe yourself in a daily find out how many hours you spend in the
following activities household chores answering self learning modules
planning or gardening using social media like facebook messenger
tiktok instagram and youtube and record your data construct a
probability then compute the mean , variance and standard deviation
21.05.21, 05:23
Directions: Analyze the problem below by providing a comprehensive
answer from the given question. Write the complete solution on your
answer sheets. 1. The results of a nationwide aptitude test in
mathematics are normally distributed with mean = 63 and standard
deviation = 5. What is the 97.5th percentile?
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Dear visitors, please use the panel for submitting a new question.
observe yourself in a daily find out how many hours you spend in the following activities household chores answering self learning modules planning or gardening using social media like facebook messenger tiktok instagram and youtube and record your data construct a probability then compute the mean , variance and standard deviation
Directions: Analyze the problem below by providing a comprehensive answer from the given question. Write the complete solution on your answer sheets. 1. The results of a nationwide aptitude test in mathematics are normally distributed with mean = 63 and standard deviation = 5. What is the 97.5th percentile?
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