A survey was distributed to a population of 300 targeted participants. Out of 130 respondents, a sample of 106 participants from the automotive industry was selected based on purposive sampling. Additionally, three field interviews were conducted with senior officers in the automotive sector. Survey results were analyzed using Microsoft Excel Statistical Package, while field interviews were analyzed through coding. The findings indicated that applying MBO in the automotive industry delivered better results in terms of productivity and efficiency, especially when supported by investing in technology.
What do you think are the determinants of MBO? (600word limit )
Determinants of MBO:
The power of upper-level supervisors' responsibility: Half-hearted obligation to an MBO framework is related to a higher disappointment rate.
The time component: Is there enough an ideal opportunity for representatives to figure out how to partake in an MBO cycle, that is, to figure out how to set important objectives, grow great activity explanations, and create viable observing frameworks? Is there enough an ideal opportunity for representatives to figure out how to accept accountability in another specific circumstance? Is there enough an ideal opportunity for workers and chefs to team up in a joint arranging and controlling cycle?
The authenticity of the framework: Is it incorporated into a general way of thinking of the executives? Or on the other hand, does it appear to be a contrivance to tempt workers into being more profitable?
The incorporation of representatives' objectives: Are objectives for every worker coordinated alright into the objectives of their bigger work unit?
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