Pearson’s r Correlation
H0: There is no si gnificant correlation between the height and weight by 10 students.
H1: There is a significant correlation between the height and weight by 10 students.
We use the following Pearson’s r correlation formula
r = "\\frac{\\sum(x- x\u0304)(y-\u0233)}{\\sqrt{\\sum(x- x\u0304)^2(y-\u0233)^2}}"
Substituting the values on the formula, we get the following
"\\frac{-69.8}{\\sqrt{59.6*2374.9}} = -0.185528071"
The data provide evidence against the null hypothesis. The researchers therefore reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is a statistically significant negative correlation between the height and weight by 10 students in the study.
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