The length,x centimeters,of eels in a river may be assumed to be normally distributed with mean 48 and standard deviation 8.An angler an eel from the river.Determine the probability that be length of the eel is : a) exactly 60 cm b) less than 60 cm c) within 5% of the mean length
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nur faqihah
23.04.20, 06:40
thank u for the help . after a few days struggle to find a solution
and reference for this question and finally got it . thank u once
again . may Allah bless u . much love
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Dear nur faqihah, You are welcome. We are glad to be helpful. If you liked our service, please press a like-button beside the answer field. Thank you!
thank u for the help . after a few days struggle to find a solution and reference for this question and finally got it . thank u once again . may Allah bless u . much love
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