Question 29
"P(ST \\ and\\ B) =P(ST\\cap B)={90\\over 220}={9\\over 22}\\approx0.409"(2)
"P(NP) ={60\\over 220}={3\\over 11}=P(NP| B)=P(NP| G)"
The statement '(4) P(NP|Girl) = 0.068' is incorrect.
Question 30
"P(NP\\cap B)={45\\over 220}={9\\over 44}"
"P(B)\\cdot P(NP)={3\\over 4}\\cdot {3\\over 11}={9\\over 44}=P(NP\\cap B)"
The events Neuropsychologist and Boy are independent.
"P(NP\\cap G)={15\\over 220}={3\\over 44}"
"P(G)\\cdot P(NP)={1\\over 4}\\cdot {3\\over 11}={3\\over 44}=P(NP\\cap G)"
The events Neuropsychologist and Girl are independent.
"P(P\\cap B)={30\\over 220}={3\\over 22}"
"P(B)\\cdot P(P)={3\\over 4}\\cdot {2\\over 11}={3\\over 22}=P(P\\cap B)"
The events Psychiatrist and Boy are independant.
Autism Spectrum Disorder in more common in boys than in girls.
The events Speech Therapist and Psychiatrist are mutually exclusive.
The statement '(3) The events Psychiatrist and Boy are dependent' is incorrect
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