Suppose "\\{{p_n} \\}" is a cauchy sequence in a metric space X and some subsequence "\\{p_{n_k}\\}" converges to a point "a" belongs to "X".
Let "\\epsilon > 0." There exists "N" such that, for "n, m \\geq N , d(p_n, p_m) <\\epsilon" ( "\\{{p_n} \\}" is a cauchy sequence ). Then, consider any "n \\geq N" :
for "k" sufficiently large (so that "n_k \\geq N," ), "d(p_n, p_{n_k} ) \\leq \\epsilon" .
Taking the limit as "k \\rightarrow \\infty", it follows that "d(p_n, a)\\leq \\epsilon" .
Or: if "k" is sufficiently large then "d(p_{n_k}, a) <\\epsilon" (by the assumption "p_{n_k }\\rightarrow a" ), so "d(p_n, a) \\leq d(p_n, p_{n_k}) + d(p_{n_k}, a) < 2 \\epsilon".
In any case, we conclude that "d(p_n, a)" becomes arbitrarily small for "n" large, i.e. "p_n \\rightarrow a" .
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