Since "\\mathbb{Q}" is dense in "\\mathbb{R}", we have that "\\sup_{x\\in [x_i, x_{i+1}]}f(x)=1" and "\\inf_{x\\in [x_i, x_{i+1}]}f(x)=0" on any interval "[x_i, x_{i+1}] \\subset \\mathbb{R}", therefore the upper and lower sums don't converge to the same limit. Hence "f" is not Riemann-integrable.
It does not imply that every discontinues function is non-integrable because "g(x)=x" for "x\\in [0,1)" and "g(x)=x+1" for "x\\in [1,2]" is integrable on "[0,2]" and have discontinuity at "x=1".
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