James regonized a tree because that past summer he had a weekend exursion with his boy scout troop. As he stood on the eastern side of the fallen tree, he rememberd thatit would cast a long eastern shadow. he wonderd what the length of that tree would be. Since the pine tree was partially on the ground, he wonderd if he could now caculate the lengthof the trees shadow. james used his fathers twenty foot measuring tape to get the measurements. the trunk, which was still standing, measured fifteen feet. then he measured the base from the bottom of the truck to the tip of the tree which measured to twenty feet. james knew that he was five feet tall and at that particular time he cast a shadow of eight feet. if the pine tree was still standing erect at the full length and james stood sixteen feet to the east of the tree when it was at full length , what is the remaining length of the trees eastern shadow only after it surpasses james and his shadow?
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