Two players A and B play a game: B hides a five rupee coin under one of the 2 tins he has. if A correctly guesses the tin that contains the coin she gets the coin. if her guess is wrong she pay rupees 2 to B. How to formulate the game as matrix game?
Briefly discuss how you can integrate technology in teaching and learning numbers in the intermediate phase as a tool to enhance instruction and motivate students.
Find McLaurin Series for Sin(x)
Conduct a survey using one of the topic below. You will need to collect, organize, and analyze the data and summarize your findings.
The topics are as follows:
*The types of sneakers learners in your school wear.
*The number of times a week learners play football.
Use the following steps as guidelines.
Write down you will ask people in your survey.
State whether the data is categorical or numerical. If it is numerical, state whether it is descrete or continuous.
Decide how you will collect the data to answer the question.
How will you record the data.
Predict how your results will be. Write down your predictions.
Design an instrument to collect the data.
Decide who you will include in your survey and how you will collect data from them.
Remember, you need to collect data from both girls and boys.
Collect the data.
Draw up a neat tally table to summarize the data you have collected. Include the totals of each category.
Draw one or more graphical form to represent and summarize your data.
Write diferences
Hint:Solve the below formulated LPM using Graphics method.
Z-Min = 1500x+2400y
Subjected to:
X, y>0 Required: Perform the below requirements by Using the Graphics method through considering
appropriate steps and procedures.
i. Solve using Graphics method?
Conduct a survey using one of the topic below. You will need to collect, organize, and analyze the data and summarize your findings.
The topics are as follows:
*The types of sneakers learners in your school wear.
*The number of times a week learners play football.
Use the following steps as guidelines.
Write down you will ask people in your survey.
State whether the data is categorical or numerical. If it is numerical, state whether it is descrete or continuous.
Decide how you will collect the data to answer the question.
How will you record the data.
Predict how your results will be. Write down your predictions.
Design an instrument to collect the data.
Decide who you will include in your survey and how you will collect data from them.
Remember, you need to collect data from both girls and boys.
Collect the data.
Draw up a neat tally table to summarize the data you have collected. Include the totals of each category.
Draw one or more graphical form to represent and summarize your data.
Write diferences