1. Which of the following statements are true? Give reasons for your answers.
i) A balanced transportation problem has a feasible solution.
ii) In LLP, an unrestricted primal variable changes into an equality constraint in its dual.
iii) When maximin value of the game is less than or equal to minimax values of the
game, then saddle point exists.
iv) S = {(x, y 2:) x + y ≤ 4 or }4 x + 2y ≤ is a convex set.
v) If a dual LPP is unbounded, then the primal LPP is bounded.
vi) The solution to a transportation problem with m rows (supplies) and n-columns
(destinations) is feasible if number of positive allocation are m + n .
vii) If there are n workers and n jobs there would be n! solutions of assigning jobs to
the workers.
viii) Game theory models are classified by the number of strategies.
ix) Every LPP has an optimal solution.
x) If two constraints do not intersect in the positive quadrant of the graph, then the
solution is bounded.
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