hourly compensation rate in country A in 2019 - $28.29
To estimate hourly compensation rate in country B in 2019 we use we use the following formula (similar to compound interest formula):
where n is the difference in years between P' and P hourly compensation rates, a = const
23.89 = 19.26*(1+a)^9
a=0.024 (close to inflation level)
P(2019) = 19.26*(1.024)^24 = $34.03
Let assume workers should work 8 hours a day.
Weekly Payroll Labor Cost (A) = 28.29*40 = 1132
Weekly Payroll Labor Cost (B) = 34.03*40 = 1361
hourly labor cost (A) = 1132/35.5 = 31.9
hourly labor cost (B) = 1361/35.9 = 37.9
According to our elavuations hourly labor cost in country B in 2019 was higher than in country A.
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