Suppose that A and B are 4 × 4 matrices such that B is non-singular. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?
1. det(−3A T ) = 34 det(A) and det(A) = det(BAB−1 ).
2. det(3B −1 ) = 34 det(B) and det(A) = det(BAB−1 ).
3. det(2A T ) = −16 det(A) and det(A) = det(BAB−1 ).
4. det(2A T ) = 23 det(A) and det(A) = det(BAB−1 ).
Using the multiplicativity of the determinant, we have:
"\\det B^{-1}\\cdot\\det B = \\det(BB^{-1}) = \\det E = 1" , therefore, "\\det B^{-1} = (\\det B)^{-1}"
"\\det (BAB^{-1}) = \\det B\\cdot\\det A\\cdot\\det B^{-1} = \\det A"
"\\det(\\lambda A) = \\det(\\lambda E\\cdot A)=\\det(\\lambda E)\\det A = \\lambda^4\\det A"
Moreover, "\\det A^T = \\det A".
From this we have that statement 1 is correct, but statements 2-4 are not.
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