i have many objects with known centre of mass coordinates distributed on a plane.
the objects have 2 main shapes (cudic and cylindrical).
i previously calculated the distance between there centres of mass to detect if they intersect 2 by 2.
now all what i need is to know which object is visible to the others so i can calculate the view factor
related to each object with respect to only the visible onces.
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Issak Sdu
28.08.14, 14:34
Thanks for the reply, but the problem is more complicated: Actually I
want detect these four situations: 1- Cubic Object1 is not seen by
cylindrical Object2 because there is a cubic Object3 between them 2-
Facet1 of cubic Object1 is fully seen by only facet2 of cubic Object3
3- Object1 is partially seen by cylindrical Object4 because Object4 is
higher than Object2 and Object3 which are between Object1 and Object4
4- Facet1 of cubic Object3 is seen by two facets of cubic Object4
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Thanks for the reply, but the problem is more complicated: Actually I want detect these four situations: 1- Cubic Object1 is not seen by cylindrical Object2 because there is a cubic Object3 between them 2- Facet1 of cubic Object1 is fully seen by only facet2 of cubic Object3 3- Object1 is partially seen by cylindrical Object4 because Object4 is higher than Object2 and Object3 which are between Object1 and Object4 4- Facet1 of cubic Object3 is seen by two facets of cubic Object4
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