Pasch's Postulate states that if a line intersects a triangle not at a vertex, then the line intersects two sides of the triangle.
i.e given a "\\begin {aligned}\n\\triangle\n\\end {aligned}" ABC and a line segment "\\begin {aligned}\nl\n\\end {aligned}", if "\\begin {aligned}\nl\n\\end {aligned}" intersects the segment AB, it also intersects the segment AC or BC.
Case 1
Assuming Point C "\\varepsilon" "H"1
Since Points A and C "\\varepsilon" "H"1, "\\therefore" A and C are on the same side of the plane
This also means that "l" does not intercept AC
Since C "\\varepsilon" "H"1 and B "\\varepsilon" "H"2, "\\therefore" B and C are on opposite sides of "l"
"\\therefore" "l" intercepts BC
Case 2
Assuming Point C "\\varepsilon" "H"2
Since Points B and C "\\varepsilon" "H"2, "\\therefore" B and C are on the same side of the plane
This also means that "l" does not intercept BC
Since C "\\varepsilon" "H"2 and A "\\varepsilon" "H"1, "\\therefore" A and C are on opposite sides of "l"
"\\therefore" "l" intercepts AC
Therefore "l" intercepts either AC or BC
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