Let X be a normed linear space and Y a closed subspace of XΒ
with Y β X ,if 0 < π < 1 prove that there existΒ
πr element of X such that ||X|| = 1And π < π ππ
, π β€ 1
First of all, let us remark that
"d(x_r, Y) = \\inf_{y\\in Y} d(x_r, y) \\leq ||x_r||", as "0\\in Y" and "d(0,x_r)=||x_r||". Therefore, the right-hand side of the inequality is automatically satisfied if "||x_r||=1".
Secondly, let us remark the following facts :
We know that "x\\mapsto d(x, Y)" is not a function that is constantly zero (as "Y" is closed). Therefore there exists "x_0" such that "d(x_0, Y) = a>0". By "\\inf" property for any "\\epsilon>0", there exists "y_\\epsilon \\in Y" such that "a\\leq||x_0-y_\\epsilon||\\leq a+\\epsilon". Now let us take the vector "x_\\epsilon = \\frac{x_0-y_\\epsilon}{||x_0-y_\\epsilon||}", by using the properties 1 and 2 we have
"1-\\frac{\\epsilon}{a+\\epsilon}\\leq d(x_\\epsilon, Y) \\leq 1"
Let us fix "0<r<1". Now by taking "\\epsilon>0" small enough, taking into the account that "a>0" (and so "\\lim_{\\epsilon\\to 0} \\frac{\\epsilon}{a+\\epsilon} = 0") , we have "1-\\frac{\\epsilon}{a+\\epsilon}>r" and thus "r<d(x_\\varepsilon,Y)\\leq 1" with "||x_\\epsilon||=1"
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