First of all, for "f\\in\\mathcal{C}([a;b])" we see that
"||f||_2 = (\\int_a^b |f(x)|^2 dx)^{1\/2}"
is well defined and is in "[0;+\\infty)" .
Now let's verify the norm properties:
"\\int_a^b|f+g|^2(x) dx \\leq \\int_a^b|f|^2(x) dx +\\int_a^b|g|^2(x)dx + 2 \\int_a^b |fg| (x) dx"
We have "(\\int_a^b |fg|(x) dx)^2 \\leq (\\int_a^b |f(x)|^2 dx) \\cdot (\\int_a^b |g(x)|^2 dx)", as
"\\frac{|fg|}{(\\int_a^b |f(x)|^2 dx)^{1\/2}\\cdot(\\int_a^b |g(x)|^2 dx)^{1\/2}} \\leq \\frac{\\frac{|f|^2}{\\int_a^b |f(x)|^2 dx}+\\frac{|g|^2}{\\int_a^b |g(x)|^2 dx}}{2}" (by applying "2|ab|\\leq a^2+b^2" to "\\frac{|f|}{(\\int_a^b |f(x)|^2 dx)^{1\/2}}" and "\\frac{|g|}{(\\int_a^b |g(x)|^2 dx)^{1\/2}}" ) and thus by integrating on "[a;b]" we find :
"\\frac{\\int_a^b|fg| (x)dx}{(\\int_a^b |f(x)|^2dx)^{1\/2}\\cdot(\\int_a^b |g(x)|^2 dx)^{1\/2}} \\leq 1"
Therefore "(\\int_a^b |fg|(x) dx)^2 \\leq (\\int_a^b |f|^2 dx) \\cdot (\\int_a^b |g|^2 dx)" .
And we conclude :
"||f+g||_2^2 = \\int_a^b|f+g|^2 \\leq \\int_a^b|f|^2 +\\int_a^b |g|^2 +2\\int_a^b |fg|"
"||f+g||_2^2 \\leq \\int_a^b|f|^2 +\\int_a^b|g|^2 +2(\\int_a^b|f|^2)^{1\/2}(\\int_a^b|g|^2)^{1\/2}"
"||f+g||_2^2 \\leq (||f||_2+||g||_2)^2"
And thus "||f+g||_2 \\leq ||f||_2 + ||g||_2" .
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