For to have profit, the percentage benefits is more than percentage inflation rate. Any projects can be worthwhile or a worthy if NPV is positive
i)Suppose the person fixed deposited at first January of 2008. As bank offered interest rate of 7% annually compounded monthly, the total money get by the person at the end of 31 Dec., 2010 i.e. after 3 years or 36 months
This the the NPV offered by bank after 3years
ii) Now as per average inflation rate which is calculated as (8.3+8.5+8.7)/3=8.5
Based on average inflation rate,
Total money to be after three years
As A is greater than B after 3 years, there is the benefits get by person for fixed deposit.
It seem that normal interest rate offered by bank is less than inflation rate. But owing to provide the interest monthly and over it compounded monthly, NPV is positive. Means the project is worthy
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