On 15 November in each of the years 1964 to 1979 inclusive an investor deposited 500$ in a special bank savings account. On 15 November 1983 the investor withdrew his savings. Given that over the period of 15 Nov 1964- 15 Nov 1965 the bank used an annual interest rate of 7% and thereafter an interest rate of 6% for its special savings accounts, find the sum withdrawn by the investor.
End principal(15 Nov 1964- 15 Nov 1965);
=P(1+r"\\%" )n
Starting principle at 15th November 1965="\\$535"
Using excel to calculate interest and end balance for the duration starting from 15th November 1965-15th November 1979;(That has an annual addition of "\\$500" ).
Using excel to calculate interest and end balance for the duration starting from 15th November 1979-15th November 1983;(That has no an annual addition of "\\$500" ).So we take starting principal is "\\$11,717.12"
Formulas used;
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