1. Expand in a two-element universe (the elements are named 'a' and 'b')
(a) ~(x) ((Fx v Gy) v Ka)
(b) (x) ~ (Kx v Ka)
(c) (Ex) (Cy v (Fx --> ~Ga))
2. For the following wffs, indicate which variables are free and which are bound (you can use 'F' for free and 'B' for bound.) Make sure you draw a vertical line underneath each variable with the letters 'F' or 'B' at the bottom of each vertical line.
You can write the wffs with the vertical lines on a piece of paper and submit a photo of it.
(a) (x) (y) (z) ((Fxy --> Gxy) v (Hxa --> Hzbu))
(b) (Ex) (Ey) Hxxy --> (z) (Gz v Hx)
(c) (z) (Ex) (y) (Axayzw v Bxycuvz)
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