p: You drive over 65 miles per hour.
q: You get a speeding ticket.
Write these propositions using p and q and logical connectives (including negations).
a) You do not drive over 65 miles per hour.
b) You drive over 65 miles per hour, but you do not get a speeding ticket.
c) You will get a speeding ticket if you drive over 65 miles per hour.
d) If you do not drive over 65 miles per hour, then you will not get a speeding ticket.
e) Driving over 65 miles per hour is sufficient for getting a speeding ticket.
f) You get a speeding ticket, but you do not drive over 65 miles per hour.
g) Whenever you get a speeding ticket, you are driving over 65 miles per hour.
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Assignment Expert
16.07.19, 18:56
We think the answer of c) should be p -> q because according to the
statement of c), 'if you drive over 65 miles per hour, you will get a
speeding ticket'. If the statement of c) contained words 'if and only
if', then one would write the answer of c) as p q.
16.07.19, 18:41
i think the ans of C is wrong it should be Bi Conditional form. That's
mean the ans will be p↔ q
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We think the answer of c) should be p -> q because according to the statement of c), 'if you drive over 65 miles per hour, you will get a speeding ticket'. If the statement of c) contained words 'if and only if', then one would write the answer of c) as p q.
i think the ans of C is wrong it should be Bi Conditional form. That's mean the ans will be p↔ q
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