Prove by PMI for 2^n+1>2n+1
For mathematical induction, we need to prove the following:
The definition for natural numbers vary, but I will be using the definition of all positive integers (excluding zero), or {"m|m\\isin\\Z^+" }.
First, we need to prove that the expression is true for some base case. Here, we start from 1:
"2^{1+1}>2*1+1" , which is indeed true.
Now, we suppose that it is true for some natural number k. Then, "2^{k+1}>2k+1."
We can multiply both sides by 2: "2*2^{k+1}>2*(2k+1)." So, if it is true for k, then
"2^{k+2}>4k+2" .
To complete the proof, we just need to show that the expression in the question is true for
"k+1" if it is true for k. We need to prove that "2^{k+1+1}>2(k+1)+1" , or "2^{k+2}>2k+3" .
Comparing this with the inequality in the equation from the last paragraph, we realize that we would be done if we could prove that
"4k+2\\ge2(k+1)+1=2k+3." We solve this to get "k\\ge1\/2." Since "k\\isin\\Z^+" , our proof is finished.
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