determine whether these functions are bijections f:Q to R x2+1/x
Let us determine whether the function "f:\\mathbb Q \\to \\R,\\ f(x)= x^2+\\frac{1}x," is a bijection.
Let "x\\in\\mathbb Q," that is "x" be a rational number. Taking into account that the sum, the product and the fraction of two ratianal number is a rational number, we conclude that "x^2\\in\\mathbb Q,\\ \\frac{1}x\\in\\mathbb Q," and hence "f(x)=x^2+\\frac{1}x\\in\\mathbb Q." Therefore, for any "y\\in\\R\\setminus\\mathbb Q\\subset\\R" we get that the preimage "f^{-1}(y)" is emptyset, and thus "f" is not a surjection. Consequently, "f" is not a bijection.
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