Check the extension of d given by d(x,y) = d(x,a) + 1 + d(b,y) where x belongs to X and y belongs to Y/ X
Given that
"d(x,y) = d(x,a) + 1 + d(b,y) \\\\\nx \\in X, y \\in \\frac{Y}{X}\\\\\nSo, y = x_0+y_0 \\space s.t \\space x_0 \\in x, y_0 \\in y\\\\\n\\implies d(x,y) - d(x,a) = 1 + d(b,y) \\\\\nd(y,a) \u2264 d(x,y) -d(x,a) = 1 + d(b,y) \\\\\nd(y,a) -d(b,y) \u22641 \\\\\nd(y,a) -d(y,b) \u22641 \\\\\nd(a,b) \u2264 d(y,a) -d(y,b)\u22641\\\\\nd(a,b)\u22641 \\space for \\space all \\space a,b"
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