"\\text {Let }\\newline X_1=\\{0xxxx0\\}\\newline X_2=\\{0xxxx1\\}\\newline X_3=\\{1xxxx0\\}\\newline X_4=\\{1xxxx1\\}\\text{ corresponding to string set types}"
"X=\\{xxxxxx\\}\\text{ set bit strings of length 6}"
"\\text{where }x\\isin\\{0,1\\}"
"X_i\\cap{X_j}=\\emptyset\\text{ if }i\\not=j\\text{ and }i,j\\isin\\{1,2,3,4\\}"
"\\text{That is, any element from the set }X\\text{ is an element of one and only one of the sets }X_i"
"\\text{where } i\\isin\\{1,2,3,4\\}"
"\\text{For an unambiguous selection of 6 elements of the same type, you must choose}"
"4*5+1=21\\text{ elements}"
Answer: 21
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