First show that "|A| \\leq |P(A)|". Define the function "g: A\\to P(A), g(a)=\\{a\\}". Since inequality "a\\ne b" implies inequality "\\{a\\}\\ne \\{b\\}", that is "g(a)\\neq g(b)", "g" is one-to-one. Therefore, "|A| \\leq |P(A)|".
Show that we can't have "|A|=|P(A)|." Assume not, i.e., suppose that in fact "|A|=|P(A)|." Then there exists a bijection "f: |A|\\to |P(A)|." Let "B=\\{a\\in A|a\\notin f(a)\\}\\in P(A)".
Since f is onto, there exists an "a_0\\in A" such that "f(a_0) =B". Then we have the following.
If "a_0\\in B", then by definition of "B", "a_0\\notin f(a_0)", i.e. "a_0\\notin B". If "a_0\\notin B", then "a_0\\in f(a_0)", i.e. "a_0\\in B".
This contradiction prove that "|A|<|P(A)|."
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