d[s]"\\gets" 0
For each v"\\isin" V-{s}
do d[v]"\\gets" infinity
S"\\gets" "\\varnothing"
Q"\\gets" V
While Q#"\\varnothing"
do u"\\gets" Extract-min(Q)
S"\\gets" SU{u}
for each v"\\in" Adj[u]
do if d[v]>d[u]+w(u,v)
Then d[v]"\\gets" d[u]+w(u,v)
1)Maintain set S of vertices whose shortest path distances from S are known
2)At each step add to S the vertex v"\\isin"V-S whose distance estimate S is minimal
3) Update the distance estimates of vertices adjacent to v
4)S"\\gets" SU{u}
Add u to set of vertices, u is the shortest distance from s
5)Each vertices v from u
If distance of vertices is greater than addition of distance of u and weight of u,v
Then distance of v =addition of distance of u and weight of u,v
Q:"\\begin{matrix}\n A& &B&& C &&D&&E\\\\\n 0 & &INF&&INF&&INF&&INF\\\\\n &&10&&3&&INF&&INF\\\\\n && 7&& &&11&&5\\\\\n &&7&&&&11&&\\\\\n \n &&&&&&9\\\\\n\n\\end{matrix}"
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