Let, the four projects be "x_1,x_2,x_3,x_4"
Hence,The number of ways in which company will select no more than 2 projects out of 4 is equivalent to finding the number of non zero integer solution which satisfy the following constraint,thus
"x_i\\in \\{0,1\\} \\: \\forall i\\in\\{1,2,3,4\\}"
To find the number of non zero integer solution, we can introduce a dummy variable "2\\geq t\\geq 0" such that
"x_1+x_2+x_3+x_4+t=2"As, each "x_i" has two value,thus it has contribution of "1+x" equally and t contributes "(1+x+x^2)" ,hence we have to find the coefficient of "x^2" in the expansion of "(1+x)^4(1+x+x^2)" will give the number of possible solution and which is
"1+{4\\choose 1}+{4\\choose 2}=11"
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