The displacement of "y(x,t)" any point "'x'" of the sting at any time "t" is given by
We have to solve the equation "(1)" satisfying the following boundary condition
"y(0,t)=0", for "t \\geq 0------------------(2)"
"y(50,t)=0", for "t \\geq 0------------------(3)"
"y(x,0)=0", for "0 \\leq x \\leq 50---------------(4)"
"\\frac{\\delta y}{\\delta t}(x,0)=kx", for "0 \\leq x \\leq 50--------------(5)"
The suitable solution of equation "(1)", consistent with the vibration of the string, is,
"y(x,y)=(A\\cos \\rho x+B\\sin \\rho x)(C\\cos \\rho at+D\\sin \\rho at)---(6)"
Using boundary conditions "(1)" and "(2)" we have
Either "B=0" or "sin\\ 50 \\rho=0"
If we assume that "B=0" , we get the trivial solution
Where "n=0,1,2,---,\\infty"
Using boundary conditions "(4)" in "(6)", we have
"B\\ sin\\ \\rho x,\\ C=0", for "0 \\leq x \\leq 50"
As "B \\neq 0", we get "C=0"
Using these values of "A,\\ \\rho\\ C" in , the equation "(6)", the solution reduces to
Where "n=0,1,2,---,\\infty"
The most general solution of Equation "(1)" is
Differentiating both sides of "(8)" partially with respect to "t", we have
Using boundary conditions "(5)" in "(9)", we have
"\\sum_{x=1}^{\\infty}(\\frac{n \\pi a}{50} \\lambda_s)sin(\\frac{n \\pi x}{50})=kx" for "0 \\leq x \\leq 50"
"=\\sum_{x=1}^{\\infty}b\\ sin \\frac{n \\pi x}{50}"
Which is the Fourier half-range sine series of "kx" in "(0,50)"
Comparing like terms, we get
"\\frac{n\\pi a}{50}\\lambda_s=b_s=\\frac{2}{50}\\intop^{50}_{0} f(x) sin \\frac{n \\pi x}{25}\\delta x", by Euler's Formula
"=\\frac{2}{50}\\intop^{50}_{0}kx\\ sin \\frac{n \\pi x}{25}\\delta x"
"\\therefore \\begin{cases} \n 0 & if\\ n\\ is\\ even \\\\\n \\frac{200k}{n^2\\pi^2a} & if\\ n\\ is\\ odd \n \\end{cases}"
for Using this value as in , the required solution is
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