Let F, G be meromorphic functions such that Fn+Gn=1, assuming n≥4 if necessary. Prove that F and G are constants.
Let us first consider a function "h:z\\mapsto (F(z),G(z))" this function takes its values in the complex curve "\\mathcal{C}\\subseteq \\bar\\mathbb{C}^2" defined by an equation "z^4+w^4=1". This curve is a compact complex curve of genus "\\frac{1}{2} (n-1)(n-2)" which is "\\geq 2" for "n\\geq 4". By the Riemann uniformization theorem, a compact complex curves of genus "\\geq 2" admit a universal covering by a unit disc "D". Therefore, there exists a lifting "\\bar{h}: \\mathbb{C}\\to D" and by the Liouville's theorem it is constant (as it is a bounded entire function). As "h=\\pi\\circ \\bar h", where "\\pi" is the covering map of the curve "\\mathcal{C}", we have "h=const" and thus "F(z),G(z)=const".
The condition "n\\geq 4" is not only sufficient, but necessary - for "n=1" there are obvious linear solutions, for "n=2" we can take trigonometric functions and for "n=3" there are non-trivial solutions using the elliptic functions.
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