find the base of the numeral system in which 26-18=9(express your answer in base 10).
Expert's answer
The number 26 in its respective base b is equal to 2*b+6. If the number 26 were in base 10, then it would be equal to 2*10+6. The number 19 in its respective base b is equal to 1*b+9. If the number 19 were in base 10, then it would be equal to 1*10+9. Compose the equation 2b+6-(b+8)=9, b-2=9, b=11. Therefore the base of system is 11.
the answer to the question 'find the base of the numeral system in
which 26-18=9(express your answer in base 10)' is 11 in numeral base
11: 26=((11x2)+6)=28 18=((11x1)+8)=19 28-19=9
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Dear beckfordburger. Thank you for correcting us.
the answer to the question 'find the base of the numeral system in which 26-18=9(express your answer in base 10)' is 11 in numeral base 11: 26=((11x2)+6)=28 18=((11x1)+8)=19 28-19=9
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