The answer to the question is available in the PDF file
The a11 and a22 are coefficients beside terms a^2 and b^2 in the
general formula for the quadratic form of variables a, b, The values
a11=1, a22=1 are chosen in the general formula to satisfy the initial
equation a^2+b^2-4ab-4=0.
12.01.19, 10:55
a11 a22 whats this and i cannot understand clearly
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The a11 and a22 are coefficients beside terms a^2 and b^2 in the general formula for the quadratic form of variables a, b, The values a11=1, a22=1 are chosen in the general formula to satisfy the initial equation a^2+b^2-4ab-4=0.
a11 a22 whats this and i cannot understand clearly
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