A={√2, IGNOU, algebra} is a set.
Is it true or false? Justify your answer
Expert's answer
It's not a set. Because there is no common property here. Examples of set: the set of inhabitants of a given city, the set of continuous functions, the set of solutions of a given equation. If someone determines a common property between these elements, then such a list will become a set.
If √2, IGNOU, algebra are interpreted as educational objects, then
these elements form a set.
14.07.18, 16:59
I think there is a relationship between all the three elements stated
above. IGNOU is an educational institution. Algebra is the course
offered by ignou √2 is an irrational no. used in algebra. Then
A={√2, IGNOU, algebra} why will not be a set?
Assignment Expert
14.07.18, 14:28
Dear Ss. Thank you for a reply. In your example, A, B, C itself are
sets. Nevertheless, you did not define a relation between elements
IGNOU, algebra, √2. Another question is a common property of these
elements in a set-builder notation if the union would exist.
14.07.18, 08:19
A={√2}, B={IGNOU}, C={algebra} all are sets. So the union of all
these sets why will not be a set?
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If √2, IGNOU, algebra are interpreted as educational objects, then these elements form a set.
I think there is a relationship between all the three elements stated above. IGNOU is an educational institution. Algebra is the course offered by ignou √2 is an irrational no. used in algebra. Then A={√2, IGNOU, algebra} why will not be a set?
Dear Ss. Thank you for a reply. In your example, A, B, C itself are sets. Nevertheless, you did not define a relation between elements IGNOU, algebra, √2. Another question is a common property of these elements in a set-builder notation if the union would exist.
A={√2}, B={IGNOU}, C={algebra} all are sets. So the union of all these sets why will not be a set?
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