ABC Corporation, a large software developer, is involved in the creation and sales of custom billing software for companies. The figure shows their quarterly sales figures for the last four years. The company’s profit is its total sales minus the cost of pay for salespeople and typical business costs. If salespeople earn 10% of their sales in pay and typical business costs account for 20% of the value of each sale, how much more profit was earned in 2010 than in 2007?
The answer to the question is available in the PDF file
Answer is correct, but math is wrong. 62*0.3 = 43.4 million dollars ->
62*0.7 = 43.4 million dollars. (need to change it to 7) Thanks for all
the help guys!
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Answer is correct, but math is wrong. 62*0.3 = 43.4 million dollars -> 62*0.7 = 43.4 million dollars. (need to change it to 7) Thanks for all the help guys!
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