On 1 Jan 2014 a bird sanctuary is home to 25 birds. During Jan 2014, 3 more birds are brought into the sanctuary. During each subsequent month, 2 more birds are brought into the sanctuary than were brought in during the previous month. Assuming that no birds die or leave the sanctuary, work out how many birds are in the sanctuary on 31 Dec 2014.
Dear karen. The formula for n-th term was based on relationship of the
first four terms. To prove validity of formula for any non-negative
integer number, one can use the method of mathematical induction.
12.08.16, 22:21
Sorry, have just seen changed answer. Thank you so much for your help
12.08.16, 22:17
How do I write it though? 25+(number of months)(2n+1) I'm confused,
please help. Thank You
Assignment Expert
12.08.16, 21:47
Dear Karen. You are right. Thank you for correcting us.
12.08.16, 18:24
I have same question as 60847 but I’m not convinced the answer given
is correct. Can anyone help me with the formula assuming that what I
am thinking is correct at the end of Jan there are 28 birds. During
Feb, 2 more than the previous month are brought in i.e. 28(jan total)
+ 3 (the total brought in during Jan)+2 (the two more) i.e. 33 birds.
During March 33 + 5 (from Feb) +2 = 40 During April = 40 + 7 +2 etc
etc I can check my total of birds but unsure how to work the
formula/equation. thanks
12.08.16, 18:12
I have same question as 60847 but I don't think the solution given is
correct. Can anyone help me assuming that what I am thinking is
correct I agree that at the end of Jan there are 28 birds. During Feb,
2 more than the previous month are brought in i.e. 28(jan total) + 3
(the total brought in during Jan)+2 (the two more) i.e. 33 birds.
During March 33 + 5 (from Feb) +2 = 40 During April = 40 + 7 +2 etc
etc I can happily check my total of birds but unsure how to write the
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Dear karen. The formula for n-th term was based on relationship of the first four terms. To prove validity of formula for any non-negative integer number, one can use the method of mathematical induction.
Sorry, have just seen changed answer. Thank you so much for your help
How do I write it though? 25+(number of months)(2n+1) I'm confused, please help. Thank You
Dear Karen. You are right. Thank you for correcting us.
I have same question as 60847 but I’m not convinced the answer given is correct. Can anyone help me with the formula assuming that what I am thinking is correct at the end of Jan there are 28 birds. During Feb, 2 more than the previous month are brought in i.e. 28(jan total) + 3 (the total brought in during Jan)+2 (the two more) i.e. 33 birds. During March 33 + 5 (from Feb) +2 = 40 During April = 40 + 7 +2 etc etc I can check my total of birds but unsure how to work the formula/equation. thanks
I have same question as 60847 but I don't think the solution given is correct. Can anyone help me assuming that what I am thinking is correct I agree that at the end of Jan there are 28 birds. During Feb, 2 more than the previous month are brought in i.e. 28(jan total) + 3 (the total brought in during Jan)+2 (the two more) i.e. 33 birds. During March 33 + 5 (from Feb) +2 = 40 During April = 40 + 7 +2 etc etc I can happily check my total of birds but unsure how to write the formula.
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