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researcher, beyrer, asserted that the average MSM HIV new infection
rate from 2001-2009 was 8%/year average increase can you average non
uniform values of acceleration or increases and is that average
exponential if r>0 for y=x(1+r)^t y = new infections x - infections in
2000 r = average % increase each year 2001-2009 t= time I asserted if
the average was 8% increase per year over those years it represents
exponential growth of new infections per year
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Dear van becker. Thank you for your reply.
researcher, beyrer, asserted that the average MSM HIV new infection rate from 2001-2009 was 8%/year average increase can you average non uniform values of acceleration or increases and is that average exponential if r>0 for y=x(1+r)^t y = new infections x - infections in 2000 r = average % increase each year 2001-2009 t= time I asserted if the average was 8% increase per year over those years it represents exponential growth of new infections per year
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