1) a point Q is 540 km from P. a train starts from P towards Q at 6 a.m. at 40km/hr. another train Q to P start at 7 a.m. at 60km/hr. at what distance from p and what time they will meet?
please send me a short cut formula of this math like vedic math. please send me a formula.
Expert's answer
At 7 a.m. the distance between P and the first train will be 40 km. Let this point will be M. So, PM=40km, MP=500km. V=40km/hr+60km/hr=100km/hr – closing speed T=500km/(100km/hr)=5hr So, the time of meeting will be 7a.m.+5hr=12p.m and distance from P will be 40km+(40km/hr)*5hr=240km Answer:& 12p.m.; 240km
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