We've three different numbers with different denominators - we can't compare them. To compare them, we need to have the same denominator.
Now, "LCM(10, 9, 5) = 90". We need to have this denominator. Thus,
Thus we can compare them with respect to their numerators.
We will take the complete work as 1. John covers "\\frac23" distance by car and "\\frac14" by bicycle.
So total distance covered this way "= \\frac23 + \\frac14 = \\frac{8}{12} + \\frac{3}{12}=\\frac{8+3}{12}=\\frac{11}{12}".
Distance left "= 1 - \\frac{11}{12} = \\frac{12}{12} - \\frac{11}{12} = \\frac{12-11}{12}=\\frac{1}{12}".
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