We know that for every complex number which is in the form of a+ib
now, for any positive integer n let take nth root in the form of x+iy
(a+ib)n = x+iy
Now use De Moivre's Theorem to extend it
so complex number , z= r("cos\\theta + sin \\theta" i)
which has n distinct root can be determined by "\\sqrt [n]{z}=\\sqrt[n]{r}(cos \\alpha+i sin\\alpha)"
where , "(\\alpha = \\theta +360k)\/n)"
we can take , k=0,1,2,3..........(n-1)
so using the above relation we can get the nth root of complex number and which is in the form of z bar as, "z= r(cos\u03b8+sin\u03b8 i)"
Take conjugate of general equation , as
"\\bar{z}=a-ib" In polar coordinates form it will be "\\bar {z} = r(cos \\theta -i sin \\theta )"
If we find roots in the conjugate case and using De Moivre,s theorem
to expand the below"\\sqrt [n]{z}=\\sqrt[n]{r}(cos \\alpha-i sin\\alpha)"
we get in this case also we are getting real part as a which is same as of z
Hence proved
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