Name of Company -
Type of Business -
Two Products Made -
Assigned Variables -
Number of Each Product Produced -
Profit Earned with Each Product -
Total Profit Earned –
Note: Areas highlighted in blue should be replaced with information unique to your project/company.
System of Inequalities
Product Information Inequality
# of product #1 per day------------------------------------------------------------
# of product #2 per day------------------------------------------------------------
Profit per product #2---------- I ---------------------------
Profit per product #1 ---------- ---------------------------
Total profit earned =
Graph of the System of Inequalities
Points of Intersection Inequality
Point #1 ------------------------------------------------------------
Point #2 ------------------------------------------------------------
Point #3 ------------------------------------------------------------
If # of product #1 and # of product #2 are made, Company Z will earn $ that day.
If # of product #1 and # of product #2 are made, Company Z will earn $ that day.
If # of product #1 and # of product #2 are made, Company Z will earn $ that day.
Maximized Profit Combination
# of product #1 and # of product #2 should be made for Company Z to earn the most amount of money each day.
Company Commercial (for project option #2 only)
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