7. For each operation * given below, determine whether * is a binary operation, commutative or associative. In the event that * is not a binary operation, give justification for this.
i. On Z, a*b=a-b
ii. On Q, a*b=ab+1
iii. On Q, a*b=ab/2
iv. On Z+ , a*b= 2ab
binary operation is a rule for combining two elements (called operands) to produce another element
Property of Binary Operation is closure:
if "a\\isin A,b\\isin A\\implies a*b\\isin A"
operation is commutative if
operation is associative if
binary operation
not commutative: "a-b\\neq b-a"
not associative: "(a-b)-c\\neq a-(b-c)=(a-b)+c"
binary operation
commutative: "ab+1=ba+1"
associative: "(ab)c+1=a(bc)+1"
binary operation
commutative: "ab\/2=ba\/2"
associative: "(ab)c\/2=a(bc)\/2"
binary operation
commutative: "2ab=2ba"
associative: "2(ab)c=2a(bc)"
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