Which of the following statements are true? Justify your answers. (This means that if you
think a statement is false, give a short proof or an example that shows it is false. If it is
true, give a short proof for saying so.)
(i)There is a 1 – 1 correspondence between the odd permutations of S35 the even
permutations of S35.
(ii)If R is a ring such that a=−a∀a ∈R, then R is Boolean.
(iii)Given any ring R, there is an ideal I of R such that R/I is commutative.
(iv)If S is an ideal of a ring R and f a ring homomorphism from R to a ring R', then f-1(f(S))=S.
(v)‘ring’, as we now define it, was first presented to us by Dedekind.
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Which of the following statements are true? Justify your answers. (This means that if you think a statement is false, give a short proof or an example that shows it is false. If it is true, give a short proof for saying so.) (i)There is a 1 – 1 correspondence between the odd permutations of S35 the even permutations of S35. (ii)If R is a ring such that a=−a∀a ∈R, then R is Boolean.
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