Let S be the set of all real numbers except −1. Define * on S by
a * b = a + b + ab
Show that〈 S,*〉is a group and solve 2 * x * 3 = 7 in S
Given that "a \\neq-1, b \\neq -1 \\in \\mathbb{R}" , we know that "(\\mathbb{R},+)" and "(\\mathbb{R},.)" are groups. Hence "S" is closed.
Next, we show that S is associative
Let "a,b, c \\in S"
Consider "(a*b)*c = (a+b+ab)*c = a+b+ab + c + (a+b+ab)c"
"= a+b+c +ab +ac + bc +abc= a+ab+ac+abc +b+c+bc = a + a(b+c+bc) + (b+c+bc)"
"=a+ a(b*c) + (b*c) = a + (b*c) + a(b*c) = a*(b*c)"
Next we show that S has an identity element. Inorder to do this, we suppose there is an "e \\in S ~ \\ni a*e =a" i.e "a + e +ae = a \\\\\n\\implies e +ae = 0\\\\ \\implies e(1+a)=0"
Either "e =0" or "1+a = 0"
If "1+a =0" ,then "a \\notin S \\therefore e= 0"
(Since "(\\mathcal{R},+)" and "(\\mathcal{R}, .)" are Abelian groups, we have that
Next we show that every non zero element of "S" has an inverse.
Let "a,b \\in S"
"a+b+ab =e=0\\\\\nb+ab = -a\\\\\nb(1+a) = -a\\\\\nb = \\frac{-a}{1+a}"
By definition of elements of "S," we have that "a\\neq -1" . Hence for every non-zero "a\\in S" , "a^{-1} = \\frac{-a}{1+a}"
Hence "\\langle S, * \\rangle" is a group
"(2*x)*3 = 7\\\\ (2+x+2x)*3 =7\\\\ (2+3x)*3=7\\\\ 2+3x +3+(2+3x)3 = 7\\\\ 5+ 3x + 6 + 9x =7\\\\12x = 7-11\\\\ 12x = -4 \\\\ x = \\frac{-4}{12}\\\\ x = \\frac{-1}{3}"
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