Let "K" be the quotient field of integral domain "\\mathbb Z[i]=\\{a+bi\\ |\\ a,b\\in\\mathbb Z\\}" and let "\\mathbb Q(i)" the field of complex numbers of the form "r+si" with both "r" and "s" in "\\mathbb Q" . Let us prove that "K=\\mathbb Q(i)".
First thing we need to convince yourseld that "K\\subset\\mathbb Q(i)". If we take a fraction "\\frac{a+bi}{c+di}" with "a,b,c,d\\in\\mathbb Z" we can rewrite it as "\\frac{a+bi}{c+di}=\\frac{ac+bd}{c^2+d^2}+\\frac{bc-ad}{c^2+d^2}i", and we're done.
On the other hand, if "\\frac{m}{n}+\\frac{p}{q}i\\in\\mathbb Q(i)", we can rewrite this as "\\frac{nq+npi}{nq}" where both numerator and denominator are Gaussian integers. Thus we also have "\\mathbb Q(i)\\subset K" and we're finished.
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