Management Answers

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Umtata University is a reputable world-class university with 6000 students enrolled in the school of accounting in each semester. However, the school is experiencing a turnover of chartered accountant lecturers who feel that they deserve a better pay rate as compared to their counterparts working in the private sector. This is affecting the tuition for students and the reputation of the organisation. 

2. 2 Outline the compensation system which would be the most appropriate to retain the lecturers in the school of accounting. 

During a strategic meeting, management of Zee organisation expresses their concern about the rising expenses of employee health and safety costs. As the HR practitioner, briefly explain to management the need for employee assistance programmes (EAPs) and safety programmes to potentially reduce these health and safety costs.

“Employee competencies are a critical lever to produce performance excellence within an organisation. Therefore, competency-based HRM is expected to leverage human talent and align HR efforts with strategic objectives to achieve desired organisational results.”

Based on the above statement, state why competencies are necessary for performance excellence in an organisation.

The appraisal interview is a very troublesome and difficult obligation for many managers. As the line manager of a manufacturing company, outline the process you will follow when conducting a performance appraisal interview of the newly trained equipment operators to minimise problems associated with the appraisal interviews.

“Diversity management is intended to embrace employee differences and promote inclusion with the aim of leveraging each employee’s unique contribution to the organisation."

Based on this statement, state the forms of activities that seek to motivate employees to recognise the worth and dignity of everyone in the workplace. 

Bekels Manufacturers bought new equipment for packaging fruit juice. Fifty employees were trained to operate the new machines. Outline the purpose of this training programme and which job training technique would be the most suitable to train the 50 employees to operate the new equipment.

Discuss the roles of communication in an organisation with examples

Describe the three phases of the evolution of the supply chain concept

1. Discuss the following statement: “In many ways, all managers are and must be HR managers.”

Discuss any two social media platforms that could be used to engage with the passengers of comair

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